I wonder if any of you out there have thought about this question.
Is life better off being single or attached?
This may sound like a really stupid question.
Since most people would agree that the latter is definitely better.
Pardon my lack of understanding.
But the problem is.
I have seen and heard so many of my friends quarelling with their erm..
That I have begun to wonder if life is really better off having a companion.
For those who have good and understanding partners.And I mean.Really understanding and caring ones.They should really start counting their lucky stars since they are of the rare minority.
And yes.I definitely agree that conflicts between 2 parties strengthen the relationship.That is if the relationship doesn't get torn apart completely.But nonetheless.A relationship is strengthed from conflicts.
However.What about the hurt and pain experienced during the conflicts?
Is the patching up after the conflict really enough to mend the scars casued by the conflict itself?
Furthermore.When the conflicts gets to a point whereby it occurs on a really frequent scale.And worse of all.To a point whereby other innocent parties get dragged into a couple's conflict.
Is is really fair to the party who is involved?
And who will mend the scars caused to that person.In most cases a friend?
Now if you think even further.
What would happen if you somehow got atatched to a really bad partner.
Wouldn't your life be even more miserable than it was when you were single?
Maybe I am thinking too much.
Maybe with all relationships.Problems like this arise.
Problems with freedom,personal time,conflicts.Perhaps these are all the norm.
And maybe.The person who is able to face all these problems and maintain a good relationship with his or her partner is one level higher up the on the food chain than normal single people like me.
But in the end.
Is it all worth it?
Maybe i really do not know.I do not know what love is.
But then again.
Is it all worth it.?
For love that is.
Haha.I guess I am sounding morbid like I always am now.But I really do not understand.Especially since for the past 2 days.I have been out for waht you may call..ermm..counselling sessions with 2 friends who were somehow facing relaationship problems.And the amazing thing.One of them.A close firnd of mine.Has been facing his for almost 4 years.And I have seen his life grown from simply miserable to downright terrible at this point of time.
Yet.He is till clinging holding on to the relationship.Even though he has every right to just end it and end all the suffering and pain he has to go through.Now that is something I really do not understand.Yet completely respect.Now on the other hand.Maybe this is irrevelant to the topic I am writing about now.But on a more personal note.Sometimes.I really look down on people who cannot balance out their time with their partners and their friends.
Of course.Friends can only be that close.Never more so than the relationship with your partner.However.That doesn't mean because of that.You have to spend so much time with your parnter that you no longer have even that bit of time for your friends.
Come on.
Who was there for you when you needed help or someone to talk to?
Who went out with you when you felt bored to death at home?
And most importantly.
Who'll be there for you for the rest of your life.
Friendships are for life.Strong ones that is.
Relationships may break or wane.
But friends are definitely for life.
You sure you want to lose a friendship for someone that you may not even end up together with eventually?
Again.I have to emphasise that.
People just have to learn to balance their time for their friends and their partners.
So that both their partners and their friends wouldn't have to suffer.
Which would meaa ultimately.
They themselves wouldn't suffer.
After rambling for such a long time.
I guess I should end off already.
Anyway.This may begin to sound old.
But I am still working on my "best" story.
So just hang on to your pants folks.
It'll be posted real soon.
To end this off.
I would just like to wish all the couples out there.
A happy and everlasting relastionship.
(Pretty corny I know.Sounds like something from NKF.)