underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

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Sunday, May 20, 2007
2:20 AM

I've just finished reading a friend's entire blog.
Yes.Meaning past archives and all.
And after reading all I can say is that.

I've truly been ignorant all this while.

It's definitely NOT easy being a good boyfriend.
In this era.

Especially.For someone like me.
Who do not know,never got the chance to know,and never tried to find out.
How to show care and concern for someone.

Damn it.
I'm just been a selfish and egostic asshole afterall.

Saturday, May 19, 2007
4:40 PM

Yes yes.I've been updating again.
Seriously been real damnn unbelivably busy.
Beside work at Phillip on weekdays and Echo on weekends.I got loads of jamming sessions to attend to prepare for the upcoming gigs and band competition...As well as the NUS registration thing that's been nagging at me like since forever for which I've had absolutely no time to deal with at all due to my hectic working schedule.Not to mention my keyboard lessons and constant pool practice sessions...

ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH~!~!Think I'm bout to go mad soon.

But thankfully.I've managed to survive till yesterday.Which happened to be the last day of work at Phillip for this holiday period.

Come Monday.I can finally sleep later than usual.After God knows how long...Man.
I can't even begin to imagine the feeling of NOT having to drag myself out from bed at 8am every single morning.

Absolutely heavenly.:)

Especially since at this very moment....I've been awake since 9am on FRIDAY MORNING.Almost 36 hrs already....so much so that I think I'm on the verge of attaining zombiehood.


All thanks to the crazy overnight jam idea that everyone reached a consensus with after realising we really did not have much time to spare to tighten the songs for the J Rock Competition.But my oh my....it has got to be the best jam we've had in ages..especially after all the the problems we've had recently...which I shall not go into of course.

I'm glad we managed to finished what we wanted to though.And unbelivably...within one night.Now it's up to us to tighten the song further at the next jam and course....for me to begin cramming the lyrics of the songs into my sleep deprived brain.

It's definitely gonna be a long week ahead of me.

Especially since training for Echoloft is beginnning right on Monday.Believe it or not.I'm actually gonna learn how to cook pasta from Chris' chef friend on that day.Kinda excited and looking forward to it as this is going to be the first time that I'll actually be learning to cook a proper dish at last,and from a professional chef for that matter.Cooking's yet another one of those "skills" that I've always wanted to learn but never got around to doing.Now with such an opportunity,I obviously wun miss it for the world.

And then.There is the GST hike progress package registration as well as the pre NUS entry medical checkup and tons of miscelleaneous stuff to finish....

So many things to do.So little time.Haiz.


I think I need a holiday.

I really do.

Sunday, May 06, 2007
8:22 PM

life really sucks.
when someone's somebody to you.and you're just nobody to someone.


i guess i got nothing to complain about.
since I've already seen this coming.
kinda gotten used to it too.since this isn't the first time.
and definitely wouldn't be the last.

still the feeling sucks when you're in things.


actually.i don't think i be should be worrying about such stuff at this point of time.since the next few weeks are going to be the busiest ones in my entire life.and i really mean the busiest.

and also the most exciting.here's a rough timetable of upcoming events.

1.To submit application for acceptance of NUS offer as well as complete all pre entry procedures. (kinda finding this to be a chore amist all the exicitng events)

2.12th May - LivEVIL Raw Recording to be done and submitted for possible album production cum sponsorship. (nope.I not kidding or bull shitting at all.wish us luck.:) )

3.27th May - LivEVIL Gig at House of Rock (once again do support us ya.:D)

4.2nd June LivEVIL Street Fest Performance beside Cineleisure

5.Early June - Ren Ci Hospital Charity Unplugged Performance by Echomusic

6.Mid June - Opening of Echomusic's cafe Echoloft.To receive training for my new job as well as possible regular live performances there.

7.Late June - Hoping to sign up for dance classes after everything has settled down.No particular as to why I'm doing this just that it's been something I wanted to try for a long time.

8.August - NUS life begins.

Yup.Such an exciting time of my life that's about to unveil.Yet I dunno why I'm so affected by recent state of events.Haiz.But sometimes one really can't help it I guess.

Yet.There's probably nothing much I can do.Except to move on.Work harder for my dreams.And achieve them one by one.I know I can do it.And I will do it.

I am The One after all.(lol.i know that was lame.just ignore the last sentence.)

P.S LivEVIL is (quite) famous!

happy happy!:)

Tuesday, May 01, 2007
9:52 PM

it's been one hell of a ridiculous week.
weird stuff happening one after the other.

and mostly stuff that is beyond my control.

i really have an amazingly interesting life.sometimes even too happening for my liking.
amazing screw ups..coincidences..you name it.


sometimes don't you get the feeling that you can never seem to get the things you want when you want them.and when you no longer want them anymore.they choose to appear in front of you in the most absurd way.


and worse still.sometimes things that you want you can't even want them because of a certain situation you're being placed within without even realising and also..with absolutely no control over how things are gonna happen.

damn this jaded life.
