underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

Navigations are at the top.
bold italic underline link

Thursday, August 31, 2006
8:28 PM

I'm currently at a loss of what to write.
Either I'm suffering from extreme writer's block.
Or there's simply been too many things happening recently.

Many screw ups.
Many disappointments.
Many questions with no answers.

People who do not know me and read my blog probably think I'm a whiner.
Maybe I'm to a certain degree.
However I also feel that my life is one of constant test and trial.
Of course.
One may argue that when the going gets tough.
The tough gets going.
And though I dare not self proclaim that I'm tough.
I dare to say that I've experienced quite a bit in life.

All I can say is that I'm currently going thru difficult another phase in my life.
Which seems to be part of an endless cycle which happens each and every year.
In fact.I think I'm kinda getting accustomed to a period of depression anualy.

Anyway.What ever happens in the end.
This is just another phase in my life.
I will make it.Just like all the previous occasions.
Simply by following my motto.

"Life sucks.So deal with it."

Saturday, August 05, 2006
12:24 PM

It's been one heck of a week.
Slept at almost 7am almost every day.
Yet.Not feeling the least bit tired or sleepy.
It's not everyday that you get to know an unexpected buddy whom you can talk about almost anything with.

Yah I know.Even my English is kinda going rotten from a numb brain.
Anyway.I've kinda been officially invited to sing in Kenn's band.
Feeling both excited and worried at the same time.
Excited that I'm finally moving on to a higher and bigger stage of singing.
Yet worried that I may not be up to it.
Especially since my voice hasn't really been of good quality recently.

Well.Not gonna think so much and just gonna try.
Hopefully....with enough practice and voice recovery.
Will be able to perfrom lvie at a gig soon.

Along with these exciting stuff happening.
Comes the semestral exams.
I'm feeling super stressed.As usual.
But not really from the exams.But from the deadline of the FYP.
LOL.Haven't really done a lot for FYP.
And the deadline is jsut 2 weeks away.
Along with the deadlines of many mini projects.
Guess I've really over slacked this sem.

Just kinda hoping everything works out fine in the end.
Well.The next few weeks are probably gonna be real exciting.
Will update of course.
Till then.
Ja ne!
